Is screening gerechtvaardigd?
Welke afkappunten moet men hanteren?
Moet MMA bepaald worden?
hoe te handelen?
- 1.Hart HE, Woudstra JG, Rutten GEHM. Screen metforminegebruikers op vitamine B12! Huisarts Wet 2012;55(10):444-7.
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- 4.Lindenbaum J, Savage DG, Stabler SP, Allen RH. Diagnosis of cobalamin deficiency: II. Relative sensitivities of serum cobalamin, methylmalonic acid, and total homocysteine concentrations. Am J Hematol 1990;34:99.
- 5.Solomon LR. Cobalamin-responsive disorders in the ambulatory care setting: unreliability of cobalamin, methylmalonic acid, and homocysteine testing. Blood 2005;105:978-85.
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